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Monday, October 27, 2008

kontroversi penggunaan antibiotik

Antibiotik untuk Menunda Kelahiran Bayi Prematur?
Penggunaan antibitoik untuk menunda kelahiran bayi prematur mengundang kontroversi di kalangan para ahli di Inggris. Sebagian peneliti menemukan bahwa praktek tersebut dapat menimbulkan efek yang membahayakan bagi si bayi untuk jangka panjang.
Pendapat Kontra
Menurut mereka, efek yang membahayakan tersebut termasuk gangguan Cerebral Palsy (CP) - yaitu gangguan pada keseimbangan dan motorik, serta cacat pada pendengaran dan penglihatan. Gangguan-gangguan ini tidak hanya menyerang si bayi ketika baru lahir, namun juga besar kemungkinan dapat berlangsung hingga ia berusia dewasa.
Pembahasan ini mencuat di Inggris setelah membludaknya pemberian resep antibiotik kepada wanita hamil yang belum pecah ketubannya, dengan maksud untuk menunda kelahiran bayi prematur. Padahal, seharusnya pemberian antibiotik tersebut tidak diberikan secara rutin, apalagi jika wanita yang hamil tersebut tidak mengalami infeksi dan air ketubannya masih belum pecah.
Pendapat Pro
Menurut mereka yang mengatakan bahwa pemberian antibiotik pada wanita hamil adalah aman, salah satu alasannya adalah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Medical Research Council (MRC) selama 7 tahun.
Mereka telah meneliti sejumlah 3196 anak yang ibunya diberikan antibiotik (erythromycin atau co-amoxiclav) selama mengandung. Kedua jenis antibiotik ini dipercaya bisa mengobati infeksi primer yang dapat mengakibatkan sang ibu melahirkan bayinya prematur.
Jika memang sang ibu didiagnosa mengalami infeksi yang dapat menyebabkan kelahiran prematur, maka MRC mengatakan bahwa tidak mengapa memberikan antibiotik kepadanya, karena diharapkan bisa membantu menyelamatkan nyawa.
Namun yang jelas, jika Anda seorang ibu… hindarilah pemakaian antibiotik yang serampangan ketika sedang hamil dan selalulah berkonsultasi dengan dokter kandungan Anda
jenis antibiotik apa saja yang aman untuk kandungan Anda!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Healthy Shoes

Welcome to Healthy Shoes, the web store for positive foot care. Here at Healthy Shoes we aim to provide a range of shoes which have added benefits other than just a comfortable fit. This could be to promote a healthy posture or shock absorbing qualities to remove strain from joints. Considering we will on average walk 115000 miles in a life time, it makes sense to keep our feet in tip top condition, but don’t worry if you already have a problem we will have something to aid that as well.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sepatu & Kesehatan Kaki

MEMILIH sepatu harus memperhatikan faktor kesehatan dan perkembangan kaki anak. Selain fungsi utamanya untuk melindungi kaki dari kotoran dan benda tajam, sepatu juga berguna mengamankan kaki dari tekanan pada bagian sensitif di telapak kaki.

Sepatu juga punya kewajiban menyangga tubuh. Sepatu yang berkualitas bila dapat menunjang berat tubuh, titik berat bertumpu pada tempat yang benar agar tercipta gaya jalan yang benar pula.

Bahkan, menurut dr Meidy H Triangto SpRM dari Kids Foot Rehabilitation Center, sepatu dapat memperbaiki kelainan tertentu pada anak bila dirancang khusus. Misalnya, untuk telapak kaki terlalu datar atau terlalu melengkung. Telapak kaki terlalu datar bisa membentuk kaki anak menjadi mirip huruf ”X”. Sementara yang terlalu melengkung menyebabkan titik berat tubuh jatuh pada tempat yang tidak benar.

Desain Sepatu

Desain Sepatu Yang Benar

  • Sepatu yang baik dapat mengalihkan berat badan ke lantai secara efektif. Sepatu juga menjadi fondasi yang baik untuk pertumbuhan tubuh.
  • Sepatu terpasang dengan baik pada kaki atau pas di kaki. Sepatu harus memberikan ruang untuk tumbuh kaki. Oleh karena itulah, ukuran sepatu yang dipakai tak boleh terlalu longgar juga tidak terlalu sempit.
  • Sepatu dapat melindungi kaki, maka jangan memakai sepatu yang menimbulkan lecet pada kaki.
  • Sol keseimbangan sebaiknya tak terlalu tebal agar tidak membatasi ruang gerak normal kaki untuk berjalan.
  • Sol yang berbentuk seperti bakiak bisa memengaruhi stabilitas kaki anak saat digunakan berjalan.

Desain Sepatu Yang Harus Dihindari

  • Sepatu yang terlalu kecil dan sempit bisa membuat kaki melepuh, radang, lecet, dan meningkatkan jumlah keringat.
  • Sepatu yang terlalu panjang atau lebar bisa membuat kaki tergelincir atau cedera.
  • Desain sepatu yang tak benar bisa mengubah gaya berjalan dan mengganggu pertumbuhan kaki.

Sepatu yang Baik dari Sisi Medis

  • Sepatu harus dapat memberikan dukungan yang baik untuk tungkai, dan bukan merupakan suatu tahanan yang besar.
  • Sepatu tak menghalangi fisiologis pergelangan kaki anak.
  • Sepatu hendaknya disesuaikan dengan usia karena fungsi tungkai berbeda-beda pada saat anak merangkak, berdiri, dan berjalan.
  • Hindari tekanan yang dapat memengaruhi gerak tubuh, akselerasi, dan keseimbangan.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Women's Shoe Style

Pumps in Women's Shoes

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Types of shoes

Shoes made from real crocodile skin, in a conservation exhibit at Bristol Zoo, England.

Dress and casual shoes
Dress shoes are categorized by smooth and supple leather uppers, leather soles, and narrow sleek figure. Casual shoes are characterized by sturdy leather uppers, non-leather outsoles, and wide profile.
Some designs of dress shoes can be worn by either gender. The majority of dress shoes have an upper covering, commonly made of leather, enclosing most of the lower foot, but not covering the ankles. This upper part of the shoe is often made without apertures or openings, but may also be made with openings or even itself consist of a series of straps, e.g. an open toe featured in women's shoes. Shoes with uppers made high to cover the ankles are also available; a shoe with the upper rising above the ankle is usually considered a boot but certain styles may be referred to as high-topped shoes or high-tops. Usually, a high-topped shoe is secured by laces or zippers, although some styles have elastic inserts to ease slipping the shoe on.

Men's shoes
Men's shoes can be categorized by how they are closed:
Balmorals: the vamp has a V-shaped slit to which the laces are attached; also known as "closed lacing". In England, the balmoral is known as the Oxford. The word "Oxford" is used by American clothing companies to market shoes that are not balmorals, such as rubber-sole bluchers.
Blüchers: the laces are tied to two pieces of leather independently attached to the vamp; also known as "open lacing". In England, the Blucher is known as the Derby shoe.
Monk-straps: a buckle and strap instead of lacing
Various other closings exist but are less popular such as side-elastic closings.
Men's shoes can also be decorated in various ways:
Plain-toes: have a sleek appearance and no extra decorations on the vamp.
Cap-toes: has an extra layer of leather that "caps" the toe. This is possibly the most popular decoration.
Brogues (American: wing-tips): The toe of the shoe is covered with a perforated panel, the wing-tip, which extends down either side of the shoe. Brogues can be found in both balmoral and blucher styles.

Women's shoes
There is a large variety of shoes available for women, in addition to most of the men's styles being more accepted as unisex. Some broad categories are:
Pumps, known in the US and UK as ballerinas, ballet pumps or skimmers, are shoes with a very low heel and a relatively short vamp, exposing much of the instep. They are popular for warm-weather wear, and may be seen as more comfortable than shoes with a higher heel.
High heels may be shoes with heels 2 inches (5 cm) or higher. They are often seen as having more sex appeal than low heels (see article for discussion) and are thus commonly worn by women for formal occasions or social outings.
Sneaker boot and sneaker pump: a shoe that looks like an athletic shoe, but is equipped with a heel, making it a kind of novelty dress shoe.
Wedge Sandals are sandals but have the ankles higher as if wearing a high heels shoe.
Either gender

Women's sandals
Platform shoe: shoe with very thick soles and heels
Moccasin: originated by Native Americans, a soft shoe without a heel and usually made of leather.
Sandals: open shoes consisting of a sole and various straps, leaving much of the foot exposed to air. They are thus popular for warm-weather wear, because they let the foot be cooler than a closed-toed shoe would.
Saddle shoe: leather shoe with a contrasting saddle-shaped band over the instep, typically white uppers with black "saddle".
Loafer: a dress or casual shoe without laces; often with tassels, buckles, or coin-holders (penny loafers).
Boating shoes, also known as boat shoes and deck shoes: similar to a loafer, but more casual. Laces, if present, are usually simple leather (often two-tone) with no frills. Often made of canvas or featuring a white sole. They have soft soles/heels to avoid marring or scratching a boat deck.
Boots: Long shoes (covering the ankle) frequently made of leather. Some are designed to be used in times of bad weather, or simply as an alternate style of casual or dress wear. Styles include rubber boots and snow boots, as well as work boots and hiking boots.
Slippers: For indoor use, commonly worn with pajamas.

Athletic shoes
Men's and women's athletic shoes and special function shoes often have less difference between the sexes than in dress shoes. In many cases these shoes can be worn by either sex. Emphasis tends to be more on function than style.
Sneakers/trainers (also called gym shoes or tennis shoes): general purpose athletic shoes; made out of rubber, cloth, and/or plastic to be lightweight, flexible, and have good traction. Special varieties are available for basketball or tennis.
Running shoes: very similar to above, with additional emphasis on cushioning.
Track shoes: lightweight; often with plastic or metal cleats
Cleat (shoe): a type of shoe featuring molded or removable studs. Usually worn while playing sports such as rugby, football, American football, or baseball.

A shoe for the right foot.
Golf shoes: with "spikes" for better grip in grass and wet ground. Originally the spikes or "cleats" were made of metal but replaceable "soft spikes" made of synthetic plastic-like materials with prongs distributed radially around the edge of each spike are much more common today (and are required on many golf courses since they cause less damage to the greens).
Bowling shoes: intermediate style between ordinary dress shoes and athletic shoes. They have harder rubber soles/heels so as not to damage bowling alley floors. They are often rented or loaned at bowling alleys.
Climbing shoes: a shoe designed for rock climbing. They typically have a close fit, little if any padding, and a smooth sticky rubber sole with an extended rubber rand.
Hiking shoes or boots: usually have a high somewhat stiff upper with many lace eyelets, to provide ankle support on uneven terrain, with extra large traction on the sole.
Walking shoes: have a more flexible sole than the running shoe, lighter in weight than the hiking boot, may have air holes, may not be water proof.
Skating shoes: typically called skates. They have various attachments for skating on the bottom of the shoe portion.
Ice skates
Roller skates
Inline skates
Ski boot: a large, thick plastic boot specially designed for attachment to the ski.
Skateboarding shoes have flat soles for a better grip on a skateboard. They are very wide and have extra layers of padding to protect the skateboarders feet.
Cycling shoes are equipped with a metal or plastic cleat to interface with clipless pedals, as well as a stiff sole to maximize power transfer and support the foot.
Snowshoes are special shoes for walking in thick snow. In temperate climates, snowshoes are used for mostly recreational purposes in winter.
Wrestling shoes are light, flexible shoes that mimic bare feet while providing additional traction and protection.
Orthopedic shoes
Orthopedic or "comfort" shoes are made with pedorthic and anatomically-correct comfort qualities, such as padded removable footbeds, wide toe boxes and arch support are made especially for those with problematic feet.

Dance shoes
Pointe shoes. Designed for ballet dancing. These have a toe box that is stiffened with glue and a hardened sole so the dancer can stand on the tips of their toes. They are secured by elastic straps and ribbons that are tied to the dancer's ankles.
Ballet shoes Heel-less slippers made of canvas or leather, with either continuous or two-part sole (i.e., split-sole). The sole is typically made of leather, with thicker material under the ball and heel of the foot, and thinner and thus more flexible material under the arch so that the foot can be pointed to its utmost. Ballet slippers are usually secured by elastics that cross over the top of the foot. They are most commonly pink, white, black, or pale tan, although they may be made in specialty colours such as red or blue.
Jazz shoes. These typically have a two-part, rubberized sole (i.e., split-sole) to provide both flexibility and traction, and a low (one inch or shorter) heel. They are secured to the foot by laces or elastic inserts.
Tango/flamenco dance shoes.
Ballroom shoes. They fall into two categories for the two genres of dances as defined by the IDSF (International DanceSport Federation): Ballroom and Latin American. Both are characterised by suede soles. Mens' Ballroom shoes are typically lace-ups with 1-inch heels and patent leather uppers. Ladies' Ballroom shoes are typically court shoes with low 2-inch heels, usually made of fabric so that they can be finished with a greater variety of colours to match the dancer's dress. The low Ballroom heel distributes the dancer's weight across the foot while Latin American shoes have higher heels designed to throw the dancer's weight on to the toes and the soles are more flexible. Men's Latin shoes typically have 1.5-inch to 2-inch shaped heels while Ladies' Latin shoes have 2,5-inch to 3-inch heels, open-toed and strapped.
Dance sneakers. Also known as dansneakers, these are a combination of a sneaker and a dance shoe, with a reinforced rubber toe.
Character shoes. Shoes with a one to three inch heel, which are usually made of leather, and often have one or more straps across the instep to secure the foot during dance. They may come in soft-soled (suede) or hard-soled varieties. They may be converted to tap shoes by attaching taps.
Foot thongs. Variously called called Foot Paws and FootUndeez, depending on the manufacturer, these are slip-on, partial foot covers that protect the ball of a dancer's foot from skin abrasions while executing turns. From a distance, flesh colored foot thongs give a dancer the appearance of having bare feet.

Modern pointe shoes.

Ballet shoes.

Jazz shoes. This style is frequently worn by acro dancers.

A foot thong, viewed from the underside.
Work shoes
Work shoes are designed to stand heavy wear, to protect the wearer, and provide high traction. They are generally made from sturdy leather uppers and non-leather outsoles. Sometimes they are used for uniforms or comfort by nurses, waitresses, police, military personnel, etc. They are commonly used for protection in industrial settings, construction, mining, and other workplaces. Protective features may include steel-tipped toes and soles or ankle guards.
Historical shoes
Footwear has been worn for tens of thousands of years. Shoes of the past include:
Espadrilles: these sandals, which are still worn today, are found as early as the 14th century.
Patten: a European wooden overshoe used to keep a person's feet dry outdoors. First worn in the middle ages, they continued in use even into the early 20th century.
Poulaine: a shoe with a long-pointed toe, popular in Europe in the 1400s.
Moccasins: the historical shoe of many North American Indian tribes.
Breaking-in: Some shoes are made of hard but deformable material. After a person wears them multiple times, the material reforms to fit the wearer's feet. The person is said to have broken in the shoes.
Polishing: for protection, water resistance (to some extent) and appearance, especially for leather shoes and boots.
Heel replacement: heels periodically wear out. Not all shoes are designed to enable this.
Sole replacement: soles also wear out. Not all shoes can have their soles replaced.
Shoelace replacement.
When unfit for use, shoes can be treated as trash or municipal solid waste and disposed of. The exception can be with most athletic sneakers which can be recycled and turned into other raw materials. See Nike Grind as an example.
Someone who makes or repairs shoes in a shop is called a cobbler.
Shoe etiquette
In most parts of the world (Asia, Eastern Europe, parts of the Middle East and Africa, much of Northern Europe and Canada, as well as Alaska) it is customary to remove shoes when entering a house. In some areas of the United States, especially the Midwest, it is expected that visitors remove their shoes unless a host specifically invites them to leave their shoes on. People do this to avoid bringing dirt, mud or snow into the house. For some societies, including those in Asia, indoor footwear may be provided for guests.
In the Middle East, parts of Africa, Korea and Thailand, it is considered rude to show the soles of the feet to others (even accidentally, such as by crossing the legs). In addition, in Thailand, it is an extreme insult for the foot, socks, or shoes to touch someone's head or be placed over it. Although feet touching heads is an extremely rare occurrence in any society, some Muay Thai boxers insult each other by "kicking" the opponent's head with their foot (most Muay Thai kicks are executed with the shin).
See also dress code.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


This article is about footwear. For other uses, see Shoe (disambiguation).

A shoe is an item of footwear. Shoes may vary from a simple flip-flop to a complex boot. Shoes may have high or low heels, although in western cultures, high heels are considered a women's style. Shoe materials include leather or canvas. Athletic shoe soles may sometimes be made of rubber.

The earliest known shoes date from about 8000 to 7000 BCE and were found in Oregon, USA in 1938[1]. However, the materials used for making shoes do not normally last for thousands of years, so shoes were probably in use long before this. Physical anthropologist Erik Trinkaus believes he has found evidence that the use of shoes began in the period between about 40,000 and 26,000 years ago, based on the fact that the thickness of the bones of the toes (other than the big toe) decreased during this period, on the premise that going barefoot results in greater bone growth before this perio
Parts of a shoe

Gluing a new outsole to an athletic shoe

The bottom of a shoe is called the sole.

The insole is the interior bottom of a shoe, which sits directly beneath the foot. Many shoes have removable and replaceable insoles, and extra insoles are often added for comfort or health reasons (to control the shape, moisture, or smell of the shoe).

The outsole is the layer in direct contact with the ground. Dress shoes have leather outsoles; casual or work-oriented shoes have outsoles made of natural rubber or a synthetic imitation. The outsole may comprise a single piece, or may comprise separate pieces of different materials. Often the heel of the sole is rubber for durability and traction, while the front is leather for style. Specialized shoes will often have modifications on this design: athletic cleats have spikes embedded in the outsole to grip the ground; many kinds of dancing shoes have much softer or harder soles.

The layer in between the outsole and the insole that is typically there for shock absorption. Some types of shoes, like running shoes, have another material for shock absorption, usually beneath the heel where one puts the most pressure down. Different companies use different materials for the midsoles of their shoes. Some shoes may not have a midsole at all.


Women's fashion boots
The bottom rear part of a shoe is the heel. Its function is to support the heel of the foot. They are often made of the same material as the sole of the shoe. This part can be high for fashion or to make the person look taller, or flat for a more practical use.

Vamp, or upper
Any shoe has an upper part that helps hold the shoe onto the foot. In the simplest cases, such as sandals or flip flops, this may be nothing more than a few straps for holding the sole in place. Closed footwear, such as boots, sneakers and most men's shoes, will have a more complex upper. This part is often decorated or is made in a certain style to look attractive. The U.S. Patent 3,355,535 , from 1967, describes a method for producing a shoe-upper (Hain 1967).